Certification Quiz


Congratulations! You have completed your course! We are so excited for you to move forward in the real estate industry with your new found skills. We hope you've taken notes along the way, to assist you with your quiz. Please read ALL of the following information, prior to beginning your test, so you're experience is successful

The Interior Deco

1. Your test can take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. It is self paced. Please allot at least 45 minutes to complete your quiz.

2. You must complete your quiz in one sitting. You will not be able to save your answers and return to your quiz at another time. When you are ready to begin your quiz, please give yourself ample time to get through it in one sitting.

3.  You must get a minimum of 80% of the questions correct to complete your certification. If your score is less than 80%, you will be required to retest. 

4. You will get the correct answer for the questions you missed ONLY if you pass with a minimum of 80%. If you have a failing grade, the correct answers will not be provided on the questions you missed.

5. Complete all of the questions. If you don't know an answer, you will still be required to make your best guess. All questions must be answered for your form to be submitted. Triple check the answers you select, so the wrong one isn't submitted.

6. Once you have answered all of the questions, you MUST hit the "submit" button in order for you to complete your quiz. If you exit the quiz prior to hitting submit, your answers will be lost.

7. After completing your quiz, scroll towards the bottom of your screen to find your passing (or failing) grade and details to your quiz. You will be emailed a link to download your quiz certificate. If you have any issues, please email support@theinteriordeco.com 


Good luck! You're one last step away from becoming a certified home stager!