Before you begin your certification quiz, please prioritize reading the information below. It’ll ensure your testing process goes smoothly!

The Interior Deco


  • Your quiz will take approximately 30 to 60 minutes. Answers will NOT be saved if you leave your quiz. Please allot the correct time to complete your course in one sitting. If you leave your quiz prior to completing it, your answers will be lost.

  • You MUST hit the “Submit” button at the end of the quiz form for our review team to receive your answers. If you leave the page prior to hitting “Submit” your answers will not be saved.

  • You must get an 80% accuracy score in order to qualify for your certification.

  • Members will receive their passing or failing grade within 72 business hours of their quiz being submitted. Please be sure to add support@theinteriordeco.com to your safe sender list to ensure you do not miss your score and certificate!

  • If you do not pass the quiz on your first attempt, or are not happy with your grade, members are provided an unlimited opportunity to re-take the test until their certification is awarded.

  • Upon passing, members will receive their certification and ISDP badge via email. We recommend members print and frame their certification for safe-keeping. A hard copy will not be sent, only a digital file for printing.

  • Click the image below to be directed to the quiz questionnaire: