Using YouTube For Business


Ready to become a vlogger, aka video blogger? YouTube can be the biggest resource of business across all social media accounts; however, getting to that point takes a lot of time and strategic marketing. It's not easy to build a following on YouTube as it would be on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you'll need to use other social media platforms to help grow your YouTube account. And YouTube is going to require a lot of heavy lifting in regards to preparation and execution of content. This isn't to scare you off of YouTube, because it can make you a huge success. But if you decide to build up a YouTube presence, keep in mind that you will need to be in it for the long haul, because it's going to take a lot of consistency, patience, and preparation to find success with vlogging. 

YouTube is the #1 online source for video. With over 1 billion users using it for video sharing, nothing currently comes to it's volume of video use. And it's set up gives you the opportunity to make a dent in the home design industry, because it is completely underutilized by home designers. Why? Because it's not as easy to get off the ground. It requires a lot more effort than just putting together a blog or Facebook post; but on the other side of that spectrum, it also can have a much more positive impact. 

YouTube is the second largest search engine, coming in right behind Google. Which means the SEO impact from it is drastic. And a whole 17-20% of users on the internet actively are on YouTube, daily. Those a big numbers, which means a huge resource of potential business for you - if done right. And yes, even if you are living in a small town, YouTube can go much further for your business than Facebook. And just like Facebook, you can pay to advertise, so you are also showed on other people's videos instead of just being found off your own page.



1. Make your profile shot a high quality picture of you, or an icon of your logo. The spot for this is pretty small, so be sure to make the most out of it.

2. Have a fun cover photo that really pops with a fun line of text across it. This is going to be the very first thing people see when visiting your page, make sure it indicates you're in home design, and it isn't blurry, or content cropped out in a strange way. 

3. Visit your about section, and attach all relevant links to your brand. So it shows up on the cover photo corner. Like your website, Facebook, etc. By visiting your website, they'll have an easier time getting in touch.

4. Fill out your bio completely, make it fun, showcase a lot of personality, and don't forget to add your contact information here too.

5. Create different playlists to organize the different types of videos you make. Once you get to a point of having a ton of videos, it'll be easier for your users to know where to look for a specific answer to a question.

The Interior Deco


1. It's okay to start off by using a smartphone if that's all you have on hand. Because the most important thing to do is to start the videos. You can perfect it along the way. But I would highly recommend using a DSLR if you have one. If you are on a tight budget and need a good quality camera, I would recommend using a Sony ax5100. They shoot great quality video and can connect to your phone so you can get everything on the internet through it. The better quality your camera, the better videos, but don't hold out from making any if all you have to start with is your smartphone.

2. I would recommend purchasing a ring light and a couple of box lights from amazon. A good ring light will range around $200 and box lights will range around $25-50 bucks. Not too expensive, unless you are just starting off. Upgrade to them when you get the funds to, but in the meantime, just use natural lighting. 

3. Take the time to edit your videos. Add a little (very little, very simple) intro to the beginning, that matches your brand. This can have your logo or a fun little saying. Incorporate music where ever you can, but light music playing softly. If this is an educational video with you talking, you don't want something over the top, it can turn viewers off.

4. When editing your videos, remove any long pauses in between videos. If you've ever watched professional vloggers, they seem to be able to talk non-stop without having to breathe. When you start doing video, you'll realize there are times you have to stop talking for a bit to catch your breathe. You can get a professional effect by cropping these little bits and pieces out of your video, so there is a nice flow to it.  Of course watch for the cropping, so it's not cropping important aspects of your video.

5. If you have a MAC, you can use iMovie to edit your videos, it comes installed for free. If you have a Windows, I prefer to use Videopad.

6. Make your videos both education and showcase. Showcase any work that you do to your own house or your client's house. The best way to get business from others is to educate them. You may think if you make videos that give tips and tricks, it'll make people want to do the work on their own, but if they just don't have the time or eye for it, they'll come back to you knowing you are the one with experience.