Using A Facebook Page


Growing a following on Facebook to help you grow your new interior staging and decor business is really easy! People LOVE beautiful homes and love following pages that showcase them. And social media makes it easy to share great photos of homes! In this chapter, we'll go over the tips to setting up and running a successful Facebook business page to help you get business.

The Interior Deco


When setting up your profile picture on your Facebook business page, you're going to want to use a clear head-shot of yourself if you are building a brand around yourself. If you have built a brand around a company name, you'll want to use a picture of your logo as the profile photo. Be sure to use a PNG file so it doesn't show up blurry. Make sure your image is a square, with a minimum pixel count of 1500 by 1500 so it's high quality.


When creating a cover photo for your Facebook business page, you're going to want to make sure it's 2000 by 745 pixels and in PNG format. This will ensure that it comes out high quality. Don't use blurry or outdated graphics. It will lower the quality of your business page. Create one using HD photos. Put your branding and any text you overlay on the cover photo in the center of the image, so it doesn't get cropped on varying devices.

1 COVER.jpg


You want to make sure your personal and contact information for your business is made very clear throughout your business page. Go to your "About" section on your business page and fill out every aspect of the questions available. You want to ensure you input your website, the best way to get in contact with you, and any business information that is relevant for clients to know. Be sure your button, below your cover photo, directs to your website or a landing page - so you can capture leads.


The key to a successful Facebook page is choosing a niche and building out a theme around it. Consider your personal preferences and what your key design style is going to be and build a theme around that on your page. If you want to work with women making their homes pink and chic, build a brand around that. If you prefer to work with homes that are modern farmhouse style, you can build a brand around that, and post content around that. You'll get a lot further in growth if you choose a theme and make sure everything you post is related to it. Don't be afraid to choose a niche, they can really help catapult you to success.


The content you post on your page needs to be based around the theme/niche that you choose. Growing a page around interior design is really easy - you just want to focus on sharing photos you find on beautiful homes. You can post staging projects that you do, or you can post beautiful images you find around the internet that match your theme's style. Be sure your images are high quality and square. Square images look more visually appealing, and are larger, than square images. We recommend doing a minimum of 1500 by 1500 pixels - it's high quality, and high quality content will get the best engagement. 

The Interior Deco
The Interior Deco


Our biggest focus is brand-based ads, to help grow your business page - which in turn grows your business. We recommend boosting some of the most beautiful images on your page, that are the closest to your niche, for about $25-$50 a piece. You want your target audience to be your local market that you work, and input keywords that match your niche so you are shown to people who are going to be worth the ad spend - because they'll engage with your content and like your page. When your ad is done running, be sure to click on the people who have liked and reacted to your page, and invite them all to like your page.