Making Your Logo


Your logo is one of the most powerful tools of your branding. It will (should) be on absolutely everything, and you want it to become the statement piece for all of your marketing. At first glance, a logo looks like a simple design, but there is so much that goes into the creation of one. There needs to be a thought process to ensure it expresses the brand you want in the right way. I'll break down the anatomy of a great logo below, and I'll show you, in the video below, a quick way to make one on your own.

The Interior Deco



This is where you're going to want to take into consideration the theme of the niche you want portrayed in your logo. Do you want to mold your logo around a luxury brand, a modern brand, a chic brand, etc.? Layout a collage of images (you can find them on Pinterest) and let them help you to see your logo vision. Before we start any new brand, we always use Pinterest as our guiding point, and make a mood board. We put together images we know will help us express the brand we want, and get inspired by fonts & colors that we see. 

The Interior Deco


You'll want incorporate a maximum of 3 colors, and you want to ensure the colors blend well together, and avoid neon colors. Make sure your color pallet is consistent, makes sense for your theme, and is easy on the eyes. You'll want to take these colors and incorporate them throughout all of your branding, so be sure to save the names & hex codes of each color. A hex code is the number and letter digits of a color, this can be easily found with a quick Google search. For example, the color black is #000. Most hex codes are going to be 6 digits.



Another important factor of your logo is the font. What do you want the font to say to the consumer? Does it say modern and simple, does it say playful and chic, or does it say luxury and class? There are hundreds of thousands of fonts to choose from, which can make the process of finding the right one a little overwhelming. Below you'll find a few of our favorite fonts to use in branding, but a general rule of thumb for logos are: for logos with no icons - make the name stand out, with a clean font for the tagline. If you do have an icon, make the name clean, and add creativity to the tagline. Now when you pick these fonts, be sure you use them in ALL of your marketing, including your website, consistency in fonts DOES matter. It'll help tie in the brand throughout your material. You can find popular fonts on Pinterest.

The Interior Deco
The Interior Deco
The Interior Deco


Please, we are pleading with you not to use generic & outdated looking logos. Stand out! If you have a low quality graphic, it already sets the standard for how consumers view your brand and company. Outdated ugly logos are largely associated with spam companies and will be looked over. Now if you have a clean logo, that's different, it's going to catch their eye and draw interest. "Oh, pretty logo, let me check them out..." type of interest.