Let's Go Green


Going green isn't just environmentally responsible—it's one of the biggest trends in home decor. No longer considered a fad, the green (eco-friendly) lifestyle is one that is being sought out by hundreds of thousands of home buyers and sellers. From insulated wall systems and reclaimed timber floors to recycled glass counters and nontoxic paints - green materials are making their way into every design element. Making eco-savvy choices in furnishing your client's home can create a massive difference for their health and the environment.

Many modern designers have joined the sustainability movement and have started incorporating green furniture, fixtures and flooring materials in their green home plan. And contrary to popular belief, going green does not equate to always being expensive. Sure you can spend thousands of dollars on "green" products, but you're doing the earth just as much of a favor by simply using refurbished goods. Here is a rundown of ways to go green:


1) Green Windows & Doors:

The growing concerns about global warming have revived the recycling concept in home decor. Emerging practices include the use of salvaged lumber and used aluminum recovered from demolished structures. From door panels to window frames, the choice of materials that can be used for construction includes insulated glass, vinyl, aluminum, PVC, engineered wood and bamboo.

2) Re-claimed Furniture:

When buying furniture for your client's home, look for stylish eco-friendly options made from timber and metal. Furniture made from reclaimed materials require less processing and consumes fewer resources without degrading the quality. Lower your environmental impact with stylish furniture made from reclaimed timber. Furniture made from reclaimed timber is strong, unique-looking, and exudes a rustic vibe. If your client wants a shabby-chic, or even modern farmhouse, style preference, you can search thrift stores for unique furnishings that can be re-purposed and re-used.

3) Eco-Friendly Floors:

There is a stunning array of flooring solutions for those who are environmentally conscious. Cork, bamboo, linoleum, glass tiles, wool carpet and reclaimed hardwood are excellent flooring solutions for a green home design. They are durable, stylish and available in a limitless range of colors and textures to suit your taste.

4) Non-Toxic Roof:

There is a plethora of durable and eco-friendly roofing solutions to choose from. Recycled shingles are made from waste materials like wood, rubber, plastic and post-consumer waste. They are a durable, cost-effective and practical way to reduce landfill waste.

5) Green Paints:

Eco-friendly paints are an ethical way to give your client's home a whole new look. Conventional paints can contain toxic materials and heavy metals that are hazardous for your health. Eco-friendly paints do not contain any harmful chemical pigments and are made from natural raw materials.

6) Recycled Goods:

Every piece of furniture that you discard to renovate your client's home takes a toll on the environment. Be creative and use the resources you have in building a green home. Scrap steel, reclaimed wood, aluminum and fiberglass can be reused to create high-quality home furnishings that will last your clients for decades. From wall cladding and headboards to cabinets and counter-tops, the possibilities are endless.

7) Plants Are Great:

With the terrible destruction of forests across the world, it's important that we take strides to put a little more green in our lives, and our client's lives, by using plants. Whether they have the room to add a few pots of plants through their apartment, or even have the space in their backyard to grow a full garden, working with your clients to add a life of green is always a great way to give back to mother nature.



  • When setting up a fire pit for your client's deck, use fire glass instead of wood. There is no smoke, it's odorless, and produces no ash. There is no toxic deposit and it helps to avoid cutting down trees.

  • You will save 66% more energy by replacing incandescent light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent light bulbs.

  • 1 Compact Fluorescent light bulb will save 400 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions per incandescent light bulb it is replaced with.

  • Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world. Use bamboo furniture and decor in place of timber furnishings when you can.

  • Putting rugs down on your client's floors can save up to 6% in heating energy.

  • When working on a client's kitchen, if you can move the fridge, position it in a shady spot so it doesn't have to use as much energy.

  • Replacing appliances for your clients? Spend the extra money to get energy star qualified appliances to save them up to 50% in energy use.

  • Purchase organic sheets, bed covers, and curtains.

  • If you are in charge of a complete bedroom makeover and need to purchase a mattress, buy one that hasn't been treated with chemicals.

  • Install low-flow shower heads throughout your client's bathrooms.

  • Put a spider plant in your client's bathrooms to help purify the air.

  • If you are staging a backyard, use plants that are native to the local area.


