Explaining What's To Come

The Interior Deco
LRE Social


Once you've gone over color and design schemes, let your client understand the starting process so they have a better understanding of the whole timeline of the project. Having this open line of communication and giving them an understanding of each aspect of the project let’s them know what to expect and removes frustration through the process.



Let your client know that when you get back to the office you will write up the finalized project contract and send it over to them via email to digitally sign. Also let them know that they will be able to review the finalized information when you send it over and decide if they want to proceed with the project.

The Interior Deco


When you get back to the office and are ready to work on the project for your client, before you do anything, you want to make a final floor plan design and create a moodboard for them to review and approve. You want to do two moodboards. One that has the theme, colors, and all around "feel" to the room you are decorating. The second moodboard just needs to be a collection of product photos you have found online, that you are interested in adding to their house, and lay it out beautifully for them to view. That way, they can let you know right off the bat if they love or hate anything. We'll go over creating this in the next module.


Once they have reviewed the designs and project, you can also send them an invoice to make the payment for the project online - unless you’ve already collected the payment during the meeting. Once you have become familiar with the industry, and the cost of projects, you should be able to give better quotes that allow you to collect payment during the meeting.


Let your customer understand that now is the time you will begin your shopping. You will visit multiple stores (online & off) to find the right pieces for their home. Give them a timeline of how long it should take you to complete this project. It can vary from a few days to a month, depending on the scope of the project. If you are just getting rentals from a warehouse, this process should be a little more expedited than shopping from scratch. Give them a ballpark time frame on when everything should get in, but be realistic that the days/weeks can change based on how long it takes products to be delivered, since you are at the mercy of other vendors. 


If the project requires electricians, a construction crew, etc. let them know you will be in charge of handling these services. On the flip side, you could put it into the contract details to have the customer handle the hiring of third party vendors, but if you can provide a package deal, you're more than likely to land the full project. You can choose to include vendor costs in your full quote or have your clients pay them individually after the work is done.

The Interior Deco


You want to make the delivery and set-up of furniture and goods on a property that is for sale much faster than you would if you were just updating someone's personal home. A home for sale is on a short timeline to get the property listed with the agent, have professional photography done, and get it sold. You are expected to have the furniture for these projects on hand quickly, so you'll be doing a lot of local shopping if you need to purchase furniture and decor instead of renting. If you plan to work steadily with agents or home builders, long term, it’s in your best interest to start your own collection of furniture and decor. In regards to just a normal project, if you plan to purchase furniture, let your client know that the delivery time frames of furniture can vary significantly. Give them a realistic time-frame, give or take a week. If there are any further delays on stuff being delivered, always have an open life of communication with your client, let them know exactly what is going on. Once you have received everything, you can call them for the official set-up date.