Elements of Design

the interior deco

The elements of design are all of the “things” that make up the overall design. Whereas composition is the “how” in which it’s all brought together.

These elements include:


In design, it’s important to create a clear flow from one space to another. The space in a home is built by structural aspects: floors, walls, doors, windows, etc. Space can also be created with the use of furniture. For example, an open concept living has defined spaces for the kitchen, dining, and living room by the furniture used.


Two or more points are what make a line, whether it’s straight, zig-zag, vertical, horizontal, etc. Lines in home design are referred to as leading lines or directional lines. These lines direct the eye to a certain part of the home, create an ambiance, or create “movement” in the room. Lines also create the atmosphere. For example, a curved line is considered more feminine than a straight line or an angle.


Color is the most emotional and personal element of them all. Colors can influence mood and actions. With the combination of colors, you can create specific moods and effects for rooms. Colors also carry warm and cool temperatures. Through colors, a story (or message), can be visually shared about the space you’re decorating.

Shapes & Form:

Shapes are the visual elements we see all around us. From circles, squares, to rectangles - etc. They are the components that help set the space. An empty thin rectangular wall needs a rectangular artwork. A small dining room can feel more spacious with a circular table. Shape is the 2D element. Form is the 3D aspect: cones, spheres, etc.


Texture is the visual component that creates interest and depth in a room. The details in texture can elevate or cheapen a design. For example, luxurious fabrics vs. cheap thin ones. Texture can be used to unify the theme in a room and create ambiance. Texture isn’t just in fabrics, but also in accent pieces, the wall and floor texture, etc. Texture is an important part of the storytelling of the room’s atmosphere.


Depth creates visual interest and lets the eyes linger longer on the room. Depth can be created using color, textures, lighting, contrast, and furniture placement. If the home is being listed for sale, depth plays a key role in how the photos turn out.


Pattern can be throughout tiles, fabrics, the wallpaper, flooring, rugs, drapes, etc. It adds visual interest to the room. Patterns can be mixed using different sizes and color schemes. Too much pattern, especially in smaller spaces, can be dizzying and create a mess. Understanding how to put together the correct patterns is important.


Light consists of both natural and artificial. The quality of light, and the source it comes from, can heavily impact the way we see colors and all the other elements in design. Light can increase or lower contrast, make a space feel warmer or colder, or even smaller or bigger.


Mass is the solidity of the shapes and forms used in design and decor. It can be presented as an actual form or visually. Actual mass is the solid form that fills up the space whereas visual form is the materials used that aren’t a solid item.