Decorating Renovated Properties


If you decide to work with home "flippers," you're potentially going to end up working to decorate homes with old, unique features; depending on the amount of renovation done on the flip, that is. Most home flippers want to preserve the original features of a home, especially if it's in a community where the vintage style is trending. Which can make your job a little more exciting, but slightly complicated. You'll have to come up with creative ways to use old features and bring them to life again with modern methods. 

Working with a flipper, or home investor, is slightly similar to working with a new home builder. Sometimes your client will renovate a property from the ground up. Other times, they renovate bits and pieces to bring life to the house, without needing to replace every feature. This means you'll have a variety of styles and designs that you'll work with. With a new home builder, they tend to have a similar look they tend to lean towards in their properties. You will get used to these similarities and can usually work around them. With renovated properties, you'll be working with a wide variety of home interiors to bring its best features to light.

Interior Deco
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  • Unique design features that require more time for planning.

  • You may be required to focus on preserving features of the home that showcase its age.

  • You'll need a large variety of furniture pieces to match the variety of flipped homes.

  • Because most flips are meant to be re-sold, you'll need storage for the furniture that isn't in use.