Commission On Furniture

The Interior Deco

Did you know you can make some extra money or savings through different programs available for interior stagers and decorators? A lot of companies offer affiliate programs. Where you get discounted rates for their products. You can use these discounts to pass on to your clients, or pocket a little extra cash. The best way to find these programs would be to look at the footer of their website and see if there are any links that mention affiliate program, partnerships, or resell partner. Use their online application to sign up for their program and they'll provide further information in regards to how their savings work. If you don't see anything in regards to this on their website, you could reach out to them through their customer support email and see if they can get you in touch with someone who would be able to set up some sort of incentive program. 

For local stores, you can potentially speak to managers/owners and let them know your position as a home decorator and ask them if they offer any discounts or programs to folks who will become frequent shoppers. Let them know you are shopping around for companies to add to your list and would like to frequent their store for products for your clients if they offer any incentives to do so. Although some may not have anything to offer, most will. 

The Interior Deco

Don't forget to sign up with Wayfair's business partner program. Here is a link for that: sign up here. When you get a business tax I.D. number, otherwise known as an E.I.N (employee identification number, and you don't have to have employees to get this), you can sign up for their program that gets you a discount on all of their products. Even on those purchases you want for yourself. Getting an E.I.N. is fairly simple, Google the requirements in your state to get yours. Most states offer a simple online application and deliver pretty quickly. If you are a licensed real estate agent, you can reach out to Wayfair's support team, and they can get you set-up for the program without an E.I.N. You just have to have proof that you’re a “business” to get the business discounts. Those savings can be shared with your clients or used as an additional profit source for you.