color psychology

Does a yellow room make you feel anxious? Do you feel calm and relaxed looking a different hues of blue? Interior designers and artists have a long standing belief that can dramatically impact the mood and feelings of people. Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, or even influence physiological reactions. Certain colors have been associated with increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, or even eye strain.

So what does this have to do with interior design and staging? The colors you use for a room can persuade the theme and atmosphere you’re trying to create. It can create excitement or happiness. It can create peace and tranquility. Adding shades of green and yellow to a sunroom create happiness and provide a healthy natural living atmosphere. A room with shades of black and deep red can provide an intimate atmosphere for a bedroom. Understand what color psychology represents in each color can help you make the right decisions in picking the perfect color combination for a room.



Formality, Sophistication, Dramatic


Clean, Simplicity, Innocence

The Interior Deco


Excitement, Energy, Love



Trust, Peace, Loyalty

The Interior Deco


Nature, Healing, Freshness

The Interior Deco


Creativity, Happiness, Warmth

The Interior Deco


Royalty, Luxury, Spirituality

The Interior Deco


Reliability, Strength, Rugged

The Interior Deco


Confidence, Success, Bravery

The Interior Deco


Compassion, Sweetness, Sophistication