Building Out A Website


With an increasing variety of online tools, we're given so many opportunities to build tools for our business that come in handy, without spending thousands of dollars to do so. These days it's easy to create your own social media graphics through sites like, build out logos on Photoshop or Gimp, and sites like Wix and Squarespace make it easy for us to create a website and get it launched in a matter of days for around $20/month. With tools like these, it's important to have a high quality brand. Not only are modern tools simple, they also provide us with what we need to build a successful brand that draws in a large audience of potential clients. In this chapter, we'll go over the top things you want to have on your website, and the best resources available to get one up and running in no time.

The Interior Deco


1. Homepage:

When designing your homepage, keep in mind that you’re aiming to excite potential clients with their first impression. Someone in the market for a home stager/decorator is looking for a jaw dropping experience – an insignificant homepage will not sit lightly with your clientele. Catch your client’s eye and build a remarkable first impression. Use a rotating gallery of high quality home interior photos. Be sure there is a clear title and tagline to the services your website offers on the very first page visitors see, with a simple, clear cut shortcut of information on the rest of the homepage. Please do NOT use low quality graphics, it will ruin your site's quality. Use a minimum of 1500 px count per image.

2. About:

Giving an unknown person the keys to designing the entire look and feel of their home can be a scary thought. Put your visitors minds at ease through your ‘About’ page by showcasing your knowledgeable, personable self. This is the perfect forum to detail your experience and accomplishments. People want to get to know the person they are going to bring into their home and want to ensure they can relate with them. Make your about section professional, yet personable. 

3. Services:

Do you design only certain rooms, certain property types? Use your ‘Services’ page to detail your areas of expertise, in which you’re able to assist your clients with. Be sure to detail what each services are included. In addition, briefly detail a pricing structure, to allow your customers to know what to expect.

4. Portfolio:

A portfolio is the most important aspect of your home staging website. Displaying your portfolio will not only reel visitors in, but is also a client’s biggest determining factor. Make sure that you have examples for every category previously detailed on your ‘Services’ page. When your soon-to-be client sees your beautiful and versatile design work in your portfolio, their next step will be to contact you. Be sure your photos are all high quality, have professional photographers capture the work you do to showcase on your website.

5. Blog:

Blogging is a great SEO tool to help you show up on sites like Google. It also gives you interesting content to share throughout your social media accounts, so you can attract more visitors - and potential leads - to your website to check out your content. We highly encourage you to start a blog that goes over topics that involve the home. From DIY projects, to self-staging tips, and more. Make seasonal and holiday posts, and think of out of the box tips and tricks you can share to make your blogs "share-worthy."

6. Contact

Be sure to have an obvious way of contacting you for your services ALL throughout your website. You want to make a page dedicated to it that is the last option on your menu, and have call to action buttons throughout your website that have a pop-up form, or lead the visitor directly to your contact page. There is nothing worse then a website that makes it impossible for visitors to figure out how to hire them for their services. If you want your website to produce results, make your email, form submissions, and phone number (if you have a public one) clear throughout your whole site. Even add it to your footer.



The Interior Deco




The Interior Deco


The Interior Deco
